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A Shot of Torah-Volume 1


A Shot of Torah is a collection of short essays arranged in order of the parshiyos and holidays. It is designed to be user friendly for the Shabbos and Yom Tov table. There are four pieces per parsha and holiday so that you can share one piece at each meal. The teachings contained in this book are fun, deep, and inspirational with practical applications for our daily lives. Additionally, there is a bonus contained in this publication (found at the end of volume 2) which is a comprehensive bibliography that tells you everything you wanted to know about every personality and source cited in this book. This book will become your Shabbos companion. This work speaks to both the newly initiated and veteran scholar. Enjoy!

A Shot of Torah - Volume 2


A Shot of Torah is a collection of short essays arranged in order of the parshiyos and holidays. It is designed to be user friendly for the Shabbos and Yom Tov table. There are four pieces per parsha and holiday so that you can share one piece at each meal. The teachings contained in this book are fun, deep, and inspirational with practical applications for our daily lives. Additionally, there is a bonus contained in this publication (found at the end of volume 2) which is a comprehensive bibliography that tells you everything you wanted to know about every personality and source cited in this book. This book will become your Shabbos companion. This work speaks to both the newly initiated and veteran scholar. Enjoy!

Inspiring Change


Unlock your potential with this unique book! Here, you will find a treasure-trove of insights entwined with an in-depth exploration of Torah themes and the way they serve as an inspirational guide to self-growth and human potential. The author, a close talmid of HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, ZT"L, offers original insights, a fresh perspective, and a compelling look at change and achieving greatness.

תיקון בני קרח


BOOKLET-KUNTRES: This booklet is based on a  class that was given by Rabbi Aba Wagensberg who cited extensively from the sefer Shvilei Pinchas. Its theme is based on the story of Korach's sons who, at first, joined Korach in his rebbellion against Moshe. However, at the last moment, they did teshuva and were able to climb out of gehinnom alive. Then, they sang eleven songs to Hashem which later became eleven chapters in Tehillim. Rabbi Wagensberg suggested that the recitation of these eleven psalms regularly could serve as a tikkun for our own teshuva and salvation. This is somewhat similar to the idea behind Rebbi Nachman's Tikkun Klali. All eleven psalms are included in this booklet with an additional running commentary. These booklets are available at Rabbi Wagensberg's home [Rechov Harav Elyashiv, 2-10, Ramat Beit Shemesh. Please call first at 052-700-8552]. The booklets are free. We only ask that you make a donation of any size to L'dor V'dor (the Rabbi's non-profit organization) when receiving one. Any amount will be appreciated.

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